Comments on: Day 37 – In memory of Vera Gladys Holmes Brad and Julie's personal website Tue, 06 Aug 2013 01:54:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joetta Tue, 06 Aug 2013 01:54:00 +0000 I am very sorry to hear about your loss. Thinking of you guys. Xo

By: Karen McGriskin Sun, 04 Aug 2013 21:34:24 +0000 So sorry to hear about your mom. I still have the great bag she made that Brad brought back from ON on one of your visits. Siobhan now has it and it hangs in her room with some of her favorite toys in it. Vera would be happy to know her creations are well appreciated, especially her family like you two! Thinking of both of you today! Love and squishes to both of you. Safe travels back to Canada Julie.

By: Colleen Band Sun, 04 Aug 2013 04:06:05 +0000 I am so sorry for your the loss of your mom. Thoughts and prayers to your family during this difficult time. Colleen & Tim

By: karl Sat, 03 Aug 2013 21:13:17 +0000 Sad news for sure, but at least your Mom and Dad were not apart for very long. Your Mom was truly an amazing woman and so interested in everything around her. May your parents love and devotion to each other be shared with the muleskinner and his sidekick always. Safe trip (for your Mom too!).
Over and out

By: Denise S Sat, 03 Aug 2013 21:00:02 +0000 Whenever I sew anything I think of Vera. So many years of Christmas pajamas. I still have the red, black and white ones she made. I am sorry for your loss.

By: Danny Sat, 03 Aug 2013 20:39:11 +0000 My tears haven’t stopped. Your Mother, the first time I met her, in 1978, told me a joke. She was funny, loving, talented, interesting, and in love with life.
She will be sorely missed.
R.I.P. Vera
