Comments on: Day 68 – Life’s a Beach Brad and Julie's personal website Wed, 04 Sep 2013 01:59:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Quentin Wed, 04 Sep 2013 01:59:35 +0000 Yes i have had a few mom and dad moments lately.. One of them was not when i was digging a bunch of sod up and it was literally full of rocks…. but still

I told Isaac that i miss them every day… and he gets this thoughtful look and says ‘you know i kind of forgot they were gone. it sure is sad when you think about it’

Enjoy the beaches and good coffee.

The rains are probably just washing the toxic palm oil off the truck and camper.


By: Lynne Holmes Tue, 03 Sep 2013 18:28:08 +0000 Lovely thoughts about John Denver and your mom and dad Julie. I could see your mom picking up all the shells and pretty rocks. Hope they let her have a huge collection of everything she loves! Oh what awesome memories we have of both of them….keep them alive!
Glad you found such a beautiful campsite. Here’s to a few more on your way north. OX
