Comments on: Day 71 – Historic Granada Brad and Julie's personal website Fri, 06 Sep 2013 20:34:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Cousin Barge Fri, 06 Sep 2013 20:34:06 +0000 I also forgot to mention that I am going to TIFF, tonight with a friend. We are seeing a movie called Cannibal. It is a Spanish movie, with subtitles (obviously, but if you were there I know you guys would not need them). I should be in rare form for little ditties, when I come back. I know you are both pondering, what in the world could the movie about ? Well supposedly, it is about a Cannibal who falls in love with his victim!!! Who’d a thunk it? I told my friend Lynne, that this had already been done in english. Hannibal Lecter…but what do I know? I am sure it will exciting…bah! Oh well…molino viento amigos…ha ha ha ha!

By: Cousin Barge Fri, 06 Sep 2013 20:05:07 +0000 Several songs, are in deed needed for your last couple of days alone.

Do you know the Windmill Man, the Windmill Man, the Windmill Man
Do you know the Windmill man that journeyed from Canada afar.

Oh Yes I know, the The Windmill Man The Windmill Man , the Windmill Man
Who comes from Canada afar…..

Please use the tune of Do you know the Muffin Man? For this one…and sing it as and action song…windmilling your arms until you are red in the face…to get the true affect of the song.

I will now give you the translation, in Spanish…

¿Conoces al hombre Windmill, el hombre molino de viento, molino de viento el hombre?
¿Conoces al hombre Windmill que viene de lejos Canada?

Sí, sé que el hombre del molino de viento, el hombre del molino de viento, el hombre del molino de viento que viven en Canadá lejos.

Hmmm…translation seems more ballad like…perhaps slow the actions of the windmill arms when singing this in Spanish…and perhaps cry out molino de viento mournfully.

Love you guys the most, you make me laugh…I have more songs…but this one needed to be put down on paper immediately.

By: Quentin Fri, 06 Sep 2013 19:37:06 +0000 Oh man you are totally getting punked i bet… Have you seen any monkeys that look like Ashton Kutcher?

I had that same crazy taxi ride in Rome… i think it is just a tourist thing they do.. then they play the hidden videos and laugh in Spanish at you. Or Italian..

