Comments on: Day 91 – DO NOT DRIVE A 100” WIDEBODY RV DOWN A 99” STREET IN SAN CRISTOBAL, MX – JUST SAYING Brad and Julie's personal website Sun, 29 Sep 2013 22:18:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Vickie Sun, 29 Sep 2013 22:18:54 +0000 O, Orangeville,,,no, no, um……,,, that can’t be it, O……….. yes…..I know……it’s Okanogan Valley where the corn grows as high as an elephant’s eye….my mammory is still as great as it was back in highschool!!! I have never understood why agents from Hollywood never picked us up……………………their loss!!!


By: Quentin Sun, 29 Sep 2013 03:46:00 +0000 Oh man… Dr Pepe Poo.. come on.. that is just too easy..

And congrats on taking a picture when extra hands are needed… love it. I always try to take pictures when kelly is in dire straights.. they are the best shots….. Right dad…. mom lying in the garden.. hehehe

I had Pizzas like that in Europe.. Hey lets make a pizza and just put stuff on it… hey look they are eating it. What can we put on these peoples pizza.. Delicious really. Oh man that big bowl of Guacamole yum..

Oh that was an entertaining one… i am up late working waiting on my computer to finish and this was the perfect distraction. Thanks!

# awesome blog # loven it


By: Lola Wright Sat, 28 Sep 2013 23:29:56 +0000 Once again thank you for the laughs. I almost have to change my name to that of the dentist after reading your blog. I can’t wait for the full stories when you get home and I suspect we could be entertained for years to come. Kelly and Brenda are coming over tonight to share their SA trip. It looked amazing but somehow not as entertaining as the Edmunds/Emonds traveling road show.

Over and out from GP. Lola
