Comments on: Day 122 – Ojo Caliente Mineral Springs Resort & Spa – Salus Per Aquas (Health Through Water) Brad and Julie's personal website Sat, 02 Nov 2013 12:56:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Quentin Sat, 02 Nov 2013 12:56:50 +0000 Ahhh you discovered the underground pottery smuggling route.. That is pretty cool.
I don’t think I have many good cold mud kid memories.. But I do want to tip that bowl over.. And what do they rally put in that mud… I know what I would put in it……… Fake fingers and toes for Halloween.. Hehehehehehahahahahaha actually a grocery store got in trouble for that kind of thing this year..
I seem to remember a pair of shoes I got covered in some red clay mud… Still some on the bottom when I finally threw them out if I remember correctly.
Was it the type of massage like in the Dominican where the won am kept yanking on my shorts so much Kelly and I burst into laughter..
Ahhhhh what grows in coffee cup lids. I think about it often when I put them in the dishwasher… I chose our new water bottle because it was very obvious it would clean nicely…
So were you able to grow any specimens in your various spilled fridge sludge?

