Comments on: Day 127 – Happy Halloween from Gallup, NM – home of Galluping Headless Horsemen? Brad and Julie's personal website Tue, 05 Nov 2013 18:34:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Quentin Tue, 05 Nov 2013 18:34:45 +0000 You sure like Tacos Julie.. Are they your happy place food? Now thinking about it i want tacos now… Or sushi.
Mmm sushi.
And Brads… come on WTF (wow those fries) yum

Yes kelly had me keep some camping stuff i was going to get rid of on kijiji… the whole conversation just made me laugh… sorry but kelly and camping is just always funny… heehhehehe Loud trains and storms and crying kids.. booooooo yea.


By: Cousin Barge Fri, 01 Nov 2013 21:13:45 +0000 Money shots are hard to come by…but for sure I think you nailed it..

Happy Happy Halloween…Huck’s first! He was a duck…will post pics soon.

Huck is of course a genius, and cannot decide if he should, roll, sit, or walk….busy time for Shan for sure…

Mind your dirt beans, and eat chocolate instead…is for sure an ancient Myan saying I am sure….

Hugs to you both…

fyi…Cindy, Aunt Else and I are headed to the Moscow sale tomorrow…I shall take pics…and well buy some of their wares….
