Comments on: Day 130 – The Great 2013 Coconino National Forest Adventure Brad and Julie's personal website Thu, 14 Nov 2013 22:00:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Quentin Thu, 14 Nov 2013 22:00:41 +0000 Does Brad get that same look that Kelly gets when you are sharing your wisdom.. kind of a Hmmm WTF look (When To Faint)
Hmmm One small step for Woman and one large step for Women.

So like dont be counting on hearing any Banjo music down there.. Listen for more of a “Funny” rodeo song… ohhhh scary..
Love the crater and the super fun side trip over unknown territory. Great stuff!

You know I think that part of a GPS’s job is to create funny stories.. And they are really good at it..


By: Karen and Nathan Fri, 08 Nov 2013 17:06:17 +0000 Did I hear someone taking over my position of reading to others, cause people loves that, when ya reads to ’em.

By: Lola Wright Thu, 07 Nov 2013 23:35:17 +0000 You silly old people following a GPS we have read about couples like you. At least it wasn’t winter and I am glad you used your “make wise choices” and got back on the HWY!
