Comments on: Day 134 – Julie Buys a Book and Gets More Than She Bargained For Brad and Julie's personal website Sun, 01 Dec 2013 01:33:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Quentin Sun, 01 Dec 2013 01:33:58 +0000 Well Down Town Q is one of my names.. Now i am not going to brag but I might be able to give that guy a run for his money in the belly area… just saying,,, mine is bigger.


By: Karen and Nathan Sun, 10 Nov 2013 16:06:05 +0000 Well I see you met my moms good friend, hey Julie? As soon as we went to Quartzsite for the first time, to see my parents, my mother said we had to go to the Oasis Bookstore. And did Mom cackle when we saw the owner and gasped! Those old retirees sure have a warped sense of humor. The owner has 3-4 university degrees and has been in court several times regarding his apparel or lack of apparel! He wins every time. He is married, (just sayin’) and he now has a local comedy show and plays piano. He is dressed for the shows. They had one child that passed away at 9 and there is a park now where she is buried. He throws a party for his daughter every year and invites the community to dinner and entertainment. I wonder how she would feel about his infamous pappy!! lol
I am sitting at the table with my parents right, snorting and laughing about our Quartzsite experiences. Nathan showed them your picture and did my mom roar that someone else has been “exposed” to his exposition!!
