Comments on: Day 155 – Napanee District Secondary School Reunion Brad and Julie's personal website Wed, 28 Oct 2015 23:19:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jr Wed, 28 Oct 2015 23:19:52 +0000 Heh I also remember cruising down that four-bump hill on the road to Moscow before they smoothed it. Good times.

By: Linda field Tue, 03 Dec 2013 00:59:47 +0000 Hi: guys

I had a great time again reminiscing and enjoying the company at our dinner get together.
Abrams bakery seems to be getting a good name for itself.
Peter worked at Lowes with Donna the lady who opened the bakery and now she has her husband and daughters helping her! They have the best cream puffs and coconut cream pie in the world. We are trying to spread the word so her business thrives and grows.

Guess I got the birds and bees thing straightened out and set you on the right path, we both have families and I personally would not give up sleepless nights, teething and ear aches for all the tea in China!! It is so great to come from a big family, my sister used to tell her kids when your parents are gone you still have your brothers and sisters. We call each other all the time and talk sometimes for an hour! We always all did have a lot to say! Lol

I guess we are true friends and always will be. WTF(Weally twue fwends)always find each other again somehow. I feel like we picked up where we left off when we get together!

I hope you have a great holiday with your family and that we can go to Vegas baby!

Take care! and hope you have a great 2014.

Muleskinner and side kicks friend Linda
