Comments on: Day 97 – Victoria to Laredo, TX – Back in the Good Ole’ US of A (thankfully, over no dead bodies) Brad and Julie's personal website Sat, 11 Mar 2017 02:00:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Julie Emond Sat, 11 Mar 2017 02:00:57 +0000 In reply to Quentin.

Reading some of this again.
Thanks for the lovely ending comment.

By: Julie Emond Sat, 11 Mar 2017 01:55:45 +0000 In reply to Trinora Pinto-Sassman.

Hi Trinora and Roger

Sorry for the delay in responding to you. For some reason we weren’t notified of your comment and Brad came across it recently when he was doing some maintenance on this site.
We are currently reading and laughing (in comraderie) at your e-Norm-ass adventures.
You can contact us at if you want to reminisce about the trip and compare Norm swear words. Looking forward to hearing from you. We hope its not too late to connect with you.
Julie and Brad fellow survivors of Trek of the Americas

By: Trinora Pinto-Sassman Fri, 29 Jan 2016 03:27:20 +0000 Dear Brad and Julie,
My husband Roger and I made this trip with the notorious Norm Yelland in 2014. Oh, how I wish I had found your superb blog before we contracted with that lying thief! We and a 2nd unit (single lady about 60) made it as far as a day out of Cartagena, Colombia. Norm tried to squeeze more money out of us and so we fired him instead and continued on our own to Santiago, Chile. By then, we were too tired to continue driving across the pampas of Argentina, so we shipped the RV back to Galveston TX and flew on to Ushuaia, then stopped at Iguazu Falls on the way back to Texas. Our experience with Norm pretty much mirrored yours. You can read it at
Fellow travelers, Roger and Trinora Sassman

By: Quentin Tue, 15 Oct 2013 02:12:26 +0000 Well to start… I will never be over nacho grande…
Ahhhh crossing the border… So were there any good sales at Walmart? Did Norm want to go halves on a case of beans?
I can only imagine the experience. I am so glad you blogged, and realize it only scrapes the surface of the realities you saw.
Great term. Photographers remorse… I totally get it.. It’s sad how that amazing multidimensional view gets flattened into something that just doesn’t do the original justice… I bet some of those.. Maybe I shouldn’t have taken that picture, pictures will hold the “feeling”longer.

Glad you did it, glad you are getting closer to home.

