Day 8 – Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Today was the day we drove the ice road from Inuvik to Tuktoyaktuk and back. It is about 185 kilometres one way.

Julie notes “Don’t worry about that little crack in the ice honey bun” Brad kept saying. All those episodes of Ice Road Truckers I was forced to watch tell me it’s time for the dramatic music and maybe an under ice camera view to see the ice moving and the water sloshing. “
After topping up with diesel, at $1.790/litre, it was onto the ice road. The temperature stayed around -24C to -26C all day. With windchill it felt like -35C. It is still winter in the north! Julie notes “Don’t worry about that little crack in the ice honey bun” Brad kept saying. All those episodes of Ice Road Truckers I was forced to watch tell me it’s time for the dramatic music and maybe an under ice camera view to see the ice moving and the water sloshing. ”

Two crazy Canucks looking through the ice on the Beaufort Sea. Julie notes ‘duth amybubby hab acup ub warmb waddur? Note to self – don’t kiss the ice road!”
Tuktoyaktuk. We were at about 69.46 N, -133.04 W. I’m not sure if you can drive further north in Canada or not but this is getting up there. Julie notes “Is there such a thing as joining the ‘As far north as you can drive’ club? or is Brad trying to trick me again?”
…signing off from Inuvik, NT
…be of good spirit
Julie notes “Our 2,802 song iTunes library has been shuffling lots of great tunes our way during our journey. Of note, we ended yesterday poetically, with one of my mom’s favourites, ‘Hallelujah’, sung by KD Lang’, as we always have my dad and her in our thoughts as we travel this great country they love so much. Today, after our tires made the first few crunches on the ice road, Van Morrison ,on cue sang ‘Down the road I go’ as if the shuffle gods knew how exciting an achievement this was for Brad.”
Pretty amazing… loved the Find Me Spot out on top of the Sea… Could you not have come up with some warm ‘fluid’ to make the ice more view able…. Love the smartie boxes. I will start painting the neighbors houses and see how it goes.
Checked out all the pictures. This is a cool (ha) trip.
When I saw the colourful houses I thought you had gone to St. John’s NL. overnight.