Day 21 – Colorado High

Today we left our campsite near Vernal, UT and headed on some scenic secondary highways through western Colorado into the Uncompahgre National Forest. The highways are in mostly good condition (with one exception as you will see) as we travel on secondary roads through high mountain passes. The scenery today was varied changing from almost desert like high mesas to lush green forest. We also experienced temperatures ranging from a high of 35C to a low of 13C. We are camped in the Sunshine campground, near the Telluride Ski area, where the temperature was 14C; but the coolness felt more like home. We may have to ask for our $18US back though if we don’t see the sun. J

Our little visitor just before leaving Steinaker State Park near Vernal, UT. Julie notes “This little fellow was enjoying the already heated morning and we were discovering why no-one else was parked at this high point in the park. The sun woke us early and we’re pretty sure we could hear the neighbouring campers singing ‘The Fools on the Hill, see the sun turning red…’. The early morning wasn’t a total loss as we had an opportunity to play a popular although sometimes rough, bedroom game. I know you’ve all played it and this gecko probably too. It’s called ‘Chase the fly.’ (Not to be confused with Spanish Fly.) At our marital stage, no holds barred slapping of your dozing partner is accepted (apparently). Extra points if you slap yourself with the same veracity. And just so you know, I won, with my frog tongue like reflexes. That fly did not travel forward with us, alive anyway.”

Highway scenery. Julie notes “We saw more amazing scenery and resting under the bushes we saw a few deer taking refuge from the heat. And a ‘loonie’ (single buck) grazing on a hill. Blurry pictures available if you don’t believe us. My restaurant place mat lists me as a rooster and I was to avoid rabbits. That has been hard as they are everywhere. From cute little furry reproducing units in the KOA campground to large, long eared jack rabbits in our campground yesterday. Then today a rabbit cloud appeared in the sky. Brad will back me up on that, I’m pretty sure. I need to find another restaurant with better place mat advice.”

Julie notes “Caught Brad running away to join the Navy. Hmm one too many ‘Women of Song’ tunes on the iPod or perhaps the influence of the ‘Village Peoples’ 70’s flashbacks. But they turned him away. His hair was too short apparently.”

Highway 145 east of Placerville, on the way towards Telluride, had experienced heavy rains which washed the red mud onto the roadway. They had plowed it to the edges however our truck and camper are now covered. We will need to find a truck wash tomorrow.

Julie notes “As we headed toward the mountains John Denver sang ‘Rocky Mountain High, Colorado’. This made me happy/sad. We miss John Denver don’t we Mom. And I miss my Mom. Hoping you are staying as comfy as possible Mom and are able to hum John Denver in your head. As I had mentioned Utah was Unbelievable but Colorado has been Crazy Cool. There is so much more to see in and do in these states, we will be back. The dinosaur kids out there should add Vernal, Utah and area to their ‘must see’ list.”

…carry on folks, the muleskinner and his sidekick


3 thoughts on “Day 21 – Colorado High

  1. Quentin

    Was it slap and tickle you were playing with the Utah fly?

    Lizards are good luck if you dunk them in your morning coffee/tea.


  2. Suze

    Well wasn’t that a nice P.S. Had the Momma out here at the table eating toast while I switched out her mattress and we were catching up on your blogs. Smiled at your note and I got her nestled back into bed with that on her mind. Keep ’em comin’! Suze


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