Day 23 – Billboards Lie (But your wife doesn’t)

Day 23 Friday, July 19, 2013

We left our site in Mesa Verde NP in the southwest corner of Colorado and continued on our journey south and east towards McAllen, TX where we will spend a few days getting thing ready for the rest of our trip. Julie notes “We sure stirred up the weather gods with our impromptu rain dance yesterday. An impressive thunder and lightening storm stayed in the area for several hours at bed time. But the ensuing rain made for nice sleeping conditions. I sure hope none of those lightening strikes caused any trouble in the park. And we promise no more of whatever dance we did. Brad usually has a ‘no dance policy’ no matter the occasion. I blame him for breaking his own rules. Plus Montezuma’s Valley was one that we overlooked and Montezuma played a little, short lived revenge on me that morning as well, if you know what I mean.”

We had mostly a driving day today to try and make up some miles. We are currently in Santa Rosa Lake State Park near Santa Rosa, NM. The temperatures and weather today varied from the high teens with rain to the low 30’sC with mixed sun and clouds. The scenery here is very stark and dry. New Mexico is mostly a high plains area with badlands and other different geological features. Julie notes “New Mexico started off as Not My favourite as we drove through long expansive of No Not More sage brush fields! And some No Money populated areas that make me wish I had the New Magic answer to make it New Money. But New Mexico also had some gNarly Moments hiding around some bends that made me say ‘Nice Mounds Mother Nature!”

We traveled through Albuquerque, NM right at 5:00 PM rush hour. I missed our GPS indicated exit while the song lyrics “Don’t worry about a thing, every little things’ gonna be alright” played on the iTunes. I took the next freeway exit and circled around the cloverleaf and low and behold we were right where we were supposed to be. I guess Bob Marley knew what he was signing about. Julie notes “I knew Bob and my expert navigational skills would get us back on track. Oh Brad of little faith.”

After being bombarded with miles of huge billboards about Cline’s Corner services we just had to stop; plus I need fuel anyways J The billboards advertised casino, fuel, clean washrooms, ATM, Wi-Fi, a real traveler’s mecca. Although they did have all those things, except the clean washrooms, the billboards really oversold the facility. Too bad we forgot to get pictures. You will just have to trust us on this one. Julie notes “Everything from jackknives to bull horns and fresh fudge were advertised at this ‘must stop’ along the historic route 66. The only thing missing, in my opinion, were butter tarts but that might be a Canadian thing, right Quent? We did get a brief Wi-Fi moment to check on family and were glad to hear Orillia is still on the map at that point in time.”

Below are selections of pictures, from the sidekick, as we were motoring along. Julie notes “As you can see those weather gods were angry enough to follow us most of the day. They stayed their distance for the most part, but we got the message loud and clear. And after passing a farm we have another question to get answered before the end of our trip ’emus or ostriches’? ”

We had done some needed shopping earlier in the day in Aztec, NM at a Safeway. We picked up a couple of steaks and a pre-made salad for supper. After our gin caesars, compliments of the sidekick, we grilled up the steaks, made up the salad, and re-heated Julie’s leftover Red Lobster pasta seafood bake. Umm Umm Good. I also got to wear my eldest daughter’s father’s day present; a tee shirt with the logo “It’s all fun and games until somebody loses a wiener”. I love that shirt! “Julie notes “I have comments about this, but they may not be appropriate for the readers at large. We have found that camper life leads to a lot of ‘that’s what she said jokes’. Examples available upon request, Kristin. There’s no room to fit it in here. (That’s what she said….bwahaha).

…over and out from Santa Rosa Lake State Park in New Mexico. Onward to Texas. …the muleskinner and his sidekick


2 thoughts on “Day 23 – Billboards Lie (But your wife doesn’t)

  1. Linda Field

    Some of your pics look like the scenery from The Sons of Katie Elder which I was watching as I read this blog. I bet some filming took place there. You could have been on famous ground.

    How is your Mom doing? I think about her often.

    Take care and drive safely.

    Love Linda

  2. Quentin

    Yes not only are butter tarts a Canadian thing but it turns out a very Peterborough thing… who knew eh..

    Meals and scenery look amazing.. I can almost smell your feet when you talk about it. Great stuff!



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