Day 29 – Real Men Get Pedicures

Day 29 – Thursday, July 25, 2013

We are still sitting in Twin Lakes RV Park in Mission, TX getting our final preparations completed. Today we drove to the border at Nuevo Progresso, MX and processed our temporary Mexico vehicle import permit and had our passports stamped. I also purchased all the spare automotive parts we will take with us on the trip.

We started the day off with coffee and pastries we had purchased from Poncho’s the night before; 1 strawberry (fresa), 1 pumpkin(calabaza). They were a little dry. Not our favourite breakfast. Julie notes “But we ate them anyway. Cha-ching on the old calorie-ometer.”

I decided to go into Mexico without Julie but she wasn’t too far behind. Julie notes “Hey Cam, your hat has made its way back home. Thanks for leaving it behind in Bucerias. I hope it enjoys this little trip.”

My first pedicure. Now I won’t have to wear socks in my sandals. J Aunt Doreen, It’s OK if you want to wear your socks in your sandals. J Julie notes “These gals were great and were very good at keeping the shocked look off of their faces upon seeing Brad’s virginal Canadian sandal toes. There was some excited chatter in Spanish and laughing regarding ‘el hombre’ and ‘rosa esmalte de unas’ (pink polish). I tried to learn some more words from a Spanish ‘Jerry Springer’ type show that was intermittently playing on the TV and the most I could gather was that something went wrong a 15th birthday party and much crying and yelling ensued. I can now yell incoherently at Brad in two languages.”

The contest for today is to correctly identify which foot belongs to which person. HINT; Mine are the good looking manly feet. Julie notes “HINT#2, Brad’s are the least hairy of the two. And coincidence or not … someone else in the travel group has the very same ‘turquesa’ colour of nails. Name tags may be required.”

…over and out, the smooth footed muleskinner and his foot-in-her-mouth sidekick

Julie notes “Brad forgot to mention that he was in ‘huge cranium’ heaven. He found a hat shop in Mexico with hats that were actually TOO big for his giant melon. He had to down size a few notches from the biggest size. There must be some ‘winter Texans’ with some muy grandes cabezas. At first the shop owner misunderstood our grammatically incorrect ‘mucho grande’ attempts at describing what we wanted and was bringing out the giant sombreros that you can dance around. But he quickly surmised, after a glance way up at the melon in question, and had Brad outfitted in no time. Brad credits the new hat for the smiles and nods from the local senoritas but I think they were all just glad his hooves had been trimmed.”

4 thoughts on “Day 29 – Real Men Get Pedicures

  1. Karen

    Nice Pedicures. We look forward to your worn out travelling feet at Fresh! To make you feel at home, I will ensure the girls brush up on their Spanish…..Ole!


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