Quick update from Fort Nelson

Sorry for not posting yesterday.  Unfortunately, we lost our internet connection in Muncho Lake, BC after receiving some tragic news regarding Julie’s father, James David Holmes.

Jim is terminally ill with an incurable/inoperable perforated bowel in ICU at Kingston General Hospital with only a few days to a week left with us.  Jim is being kept comfortable but the infection will take over his systems.  All of Julie’s family are doing what they can to be with Jim and we appreciate all that they have done in caring for both Jim and Vera.

We are trying to get back to Grande Prairie tonight and get Julie on a flight to Ontario as soon as possible to see her dad.

We will update the blog with our last few days of travel when we have a chance.

…julie & brad


2 thoughts on “Quick update from Fort Nelson

  1. Karen

    Sorry to hear of the sad news you two.. travel safe and you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.


  2. helen and karl

    You and your family are in our prayers! Such sad news for you both. Perhaps I’ll see you at KGH.
    Love from Helen and Karl


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