Day 65 – We’ve moved!

Day 65 – Friday, August 30, 2013

We met with our tour operator this morning over breakfast and discussed some of the issues we’re facing and possible options. We have not yet reached an agreement on the next leg of the journey and will be in Panama a few more days at least.

We spent the day puttering around and visiting the Albrook mall once again. Julie notes “Still haven’t caught the mall fever, but many others had. It was a busy Friday afternoon and we soaked up some A/C while we people watched. We would’ve taken in another movie but the pickin’s were slim. Pretty sad summer for movies, dubbed or subtitled.” We had a late lunch at TGI Friday’s and then made are way back to the campsite for a siesta.

Our guide scouted out a new location for us to move. It is on a side street on the causeway near the new Gerhy Museum. The causeway is about a block wide with the bay of Panama and the city skyline one side and the Panama Canal and Pacific ocean on the other. The Bridge of the Americas is nearby and also the Balboa yacht club. Much more scenic for us and has a constant breeze which makes it much more comfortable in the heat and humidity. We were able to sit out in our lawn chairs and watch the sunset over the bridge. Julie notes “The new spot, in front of the former US military officer club, comes with 18 cats or more so we did hear some Toms as we were going to bed. But that is my only noise violation, besides another amazing middle of the night thunderstorm, to report. The question ‘Why oh why did we stay in a hot, noisy fire hall parking for 7 days has been batted around in. We don’t have the answer to that, other than it made for good blog entries.” We tried out another new restaurant with great food and live music on their outdoor patio. It was good to move to this new location.

The Bridge of the Americas at sunset.

Enjoying the Bridge of the Americas at sunset.

My dinner of a filete of corvina (local fish), roast potatoes and a really good citrus reduction.

Julie’s seafood salad.

That’s all for today folks, carry on, the muleskinner and his sidekick



3 thoughts on “Day 65 – We’ve moved!

  1. Cousin Barge

    What a nice reprieve you had at the Trump! I wore a comb over in your honour for a day! I

    I have a ballad churning around in my head about the Bombero parking lot…but I actually think it should be a dance, with foot stomping and pot banging, and perhaps the odd firecracker, or car alarm going off. Let me chew on it a bit…and see what I come up with.

    Your new spot is beautiful. The Americas bridge is spectacular. Enjoy your cool breezes, and quiet.

    Looking forward to your next entry, and what adventures lie ahead of you!

    Love and hugs!

  2. Sista

    I too thought the Trumpness had something to do with the wind and Brad’s hair. Looks like a great place to stay.
    What did I miss? Why are there ‘negotiations going on?


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