Day 119 – RV Park – A place to gather and compare your units

Day 119 – Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Another Starbucks morning for us. I had a very easy to order, large mild coffee and a blueberry muffin. Julie, on the other hand, had a very difficult to order, venti non-fat green tea latte, half the syrup, half the mache, low foam and a blueberry scone. And she wants me to get her coffee. I think not. Julie notes “Oh come on now. It just rolls off the tongue. Easy Peasy. Just be glad you’re not married to Peter Piper and you had to order that peck of pickled peppers for him over and over, or if I had a different job you would have to keep telling everyone that ‘she sells sea shells by the seashore.’ Compared to that my order is a breeze.”

Kristin, our daughter who works part-time at a Kamloops Starbucks, tells me my order is, and I quote, “the weak stuff for the dumb Timmy lovers.” J

Julie had booked a hair appointment for 10:00 AM. We wandered over to the AXIS Salon after our coffee. We were a bit early but they took her right in for her doo. I trundled off to find a bank, get a newspaper, and put in some time. They gave her a great cut. She looked terrific when I came back to pick her up. Julie notes “Aaaahhhh, she started with a delightful shoulder, neck and scalp massage and then a splendid scalp treatment followed by a very nice cut. This all seemed very luxurious after months of showering in parking lots and fixing my hair by wetting a wash cloth with cold water and drizzling it over my head in a bathroom the size of a postage stamp. Now if my hair gal Jessica is reading, Gola lulled me into a submissive state and then as I was ready to leave, cape removed and all, she whipped out the clippers and shaved my neck a bit. I needed to confess that as I know you will notice that when I finally make it back to you. It was against my will. I still do not like having my neck shaved (or my back for that matter.)”

We headed back to the RV after checking out of the hotel. It was another beautiful day and we lounged around in the warmth of the sun and enjoyed a couple of local drinks; a Route 66 Cream Soda for Julie, and a Route 66 Root Beer for moi, along with some chips and dip. I wandered through the RV Park checking out the big rigs and Julie read her book.

Some of the big rigs. They are very nice but pretty limited where they can go, I think. They are pretty much parked in a big paved lot.

The other section of the park accommodates most of the other smaller rigs (and some big rigs too).

Our setup. Julie notes “Looking pretty lonely. Nobody seems to want to park next to us. Why would that be? Uh Oh maybe I should turn down the opera music a tad. Not everyone has an ear for Andrea Bocelli.”

This is how I found Julie “reading” when I returned from my walk through the park. Julie notes “The Kobo got very heavy and fell on to my lap which caused my hat to flip over onto my face and my eyes to close. I am reading these Scottish sex stories that my Aunt Janet recommended. Och, Aye! I didna ken how reading about thee wee lassies and laddies carrying on could tire milady out. Canna ye be getting some ale and oatmeal parritch to revive milady? Or maybe just some cream soda and chips.”

Our treats.

Sporting a new doo! Lookin’ good. Julie notes “Brad didn’t even have to say ‘Ummm Ohhh, Call Emily to look at it. She will like it.’ Not bad for $12.87 plus tip. But I can feel the razor buzz when I do this. So I will try not to do that for a while.”

…over and out, the muleskinner and his sidekick

Julie notes “Hotdogs for supper and a Skype with Melodie and her family was a perfect end to the day. She quite enjoyed her Grandpa Brad’s ballet dancing. Who wouldn’t though after all of his classical training. It is a delight for all of the senses. Names are still dribbling in for Thermometer Man’s naming. So don’t be shy. He has been steadily predicting a weather warning of rain for days. You’ve seen the pictures. Nothing but blue sky and a little fluff as far as the eye can see. I guess he is still learning. Sister Susan correctly and quickly answered the Four Corners trivia question. —– But she doesn’t know if we will go there. We don’t even know the answer to that. The question and correct answer is posted below;

“Quiz time ‘There is only one place in the US where 4 states intersect. Where would that be? And do you think we’ll go there?”

4 Corners Monument Rd, Shiprock, NM is where New Mexico, Colorado, Utah and Arizona all meet at one intersection. The only such intersection in the United States. Do I get a prize? I hope it isn’t squash soup. Suze

1 thought on “Day 119 – RV Park – A place to gather and compare your units

  1. Quentin

    Funny Isaac and i sing opera too.. Figaro Figaro Figaro.. good stuff

    Hmmm do you think this trip with to lower your expectations of Nice spots to stay? And Ritzy Living?

    Looks like a Kelly reading pose to me. Kelly likes those books too,.. And i think she is reading them right now actually.

    What about Billy Bob Thermorton?



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