Day 134 – Julie Buys a Book and Gets More Than She Bargained For

Day 134 – Thursday, November 7, 2013

We woke up this morning in the middle of the Quartzite desert. The weather here is very dry. It gets cool at night but is very warm during the day. High 20C’s to low 30C’s and bright sunshine. The night sky is very clear with a good view of the planet Venus (as Julie discovered yesterday). Julie notes “Or Dad is having trouble blowing out his candles?”

We decided to drive into Quartzite for a late breakfast at Times Three Family Restaurant. The waitress was a classic diner waitress and the owner very friendly and the food was homemade. Service is a bit slow but we were not in a big hurry. Julie notes “Glenna knows the way to a man’s heart alright, lots of good food and calling him ‘honey’ and ‘sweetheart’ and ‘lovey’ doesn’t seem to hurt. I suppose I could try it, right Sweetheart?”

We then ventured on to the Chamber of Commerce office to get some local information and maps. We found a few of the swap meet/flea market/show areas and shopped around for a bit. I made a few purchases at the first stop and Julie made a few purchases at the second. I can’t say what we bought because Christmas is so close and who doesn’t want something from Quartzite flea markets? Julie notes “Hopefully the fleas survive until Christmas, ‘Honey’. (Just seeing if that pet name will ‘stick’.)” We headed over to the world famous bookstore “Reader’s Oasis” so Julie could meet the owner. Julie notes “We convinced each other, right Darling, that we needed to do this for our readers. And it’s amazing how quickly one gets comfortable and we spent quite a bit of time meandering amongst the stacks of well-organized and abundant tomes, encountering the scantily clad proprietor at various turns.”

We drove north of town to check out another BLM camping area at the Hi Jolly area but both agreed we liked our spot at the Road Runner area better. Julie notes “Yes Sugar, we said ‘Bye Jolly and raced back to Roadrunner, Beep, Beep, Varoom!” We came back to “our” spot and enjoyed the sunshine, warm temperature, and desert for the afternoon. I made a big pot of spaghetti and wild mushroom, red pepper, meat sauce for supper. It was really good if I don’t say so myself. Julie notes “It was delicious Lovey!” We also enjoyed sitting around another fire at sunset with a glass of wine. Ah, the good life! Julie notes “Neil Diamond serenaded us with ‘Red, red wine’ as we sat down for supper.”

Times Three Family Restaurant for breakfast.

Julie had the French toast with sausage. Julie notes “Oh can you see that puddle of melted butter? Glorious. FYI this is not touted as a health wise restaurant.”

I had the bone-in ham with poached eggs and real hashbrowns and sourdough toast. Julie notes “It looks artistic with the bite of toast and the broken egg but truth is he just couldn’t wait the few seconds it took to get the camera out before sampling it.”

Downtown Q also has a windmill for your viewing pleasure. Julie notes “It has 2 actually but this was the money shot.”

Julie posing with the owner of the Reader’s Oasis bookstore, Paul Winer, nudist and Quartzite celebrity. Exactly where is her left hand anyways? Julie notes “Checking for a back pocket? (My natural pickpocket instinct kicking in.) Checking for the invisible string that holds things together? Admiring the overall tan with my hand? Checking to see if he’s been keeping up with that ‘Buns of Steel’ workout video that was on sale inside? Doing a medical inspection for any abnormal moles that he can’t see but should get checked out. (A lot of sun exposure is not good for you.) Looking for my cell phone. (I’m sure this is the leathery purse I popped it in for safe keeping.) The truth is one of these people had too many clothes on and one perhaps not enough. Thanks for the adventure and the great finds Paul and we encourage everyone to go buy something here while they are in Quartzite to keep things afloat, so to speak.”

Blending in with our surroundings. Julie notes “Can you pick us out? (Or should that be ‘prickle’ us out?) Look carefully.”

Cheers! Julie notes “Now that peace sign cactus is giving me giant bunny ears. What a character!”

…over and out, the muleskinner and his sidekick

Julie notes “I think I will stick with my usual names for the Windmill Man. Even if he may deserve them sometimes, all those sweet names are making me fat. (That must be what’s causing it.)

2 thoughts on “Day 134 – Julie Buys a Book and Gets More Than She Bargained For

  1. Karen and Nathan

    Well I see you met my moms good friend, hey Julie? As soon as we went to Quartzsite for the first time, to see my parents, my mother said we had to go to the Oasis Bookstore. And did Mom cackle when we saw the owner and gasped! Those old retirees sure have a warped sense of humor. The owner has 3-4 university degrees and has been in court several times regarding his apparel or lack of apparel! He wins every time. He is married, (just sayin’) and he now has a local comedy show and plays piano. He is dressed for the shows. They had one child that passed away at 9 and there is a park now where she is buried. He throws a party for his daughter every year and invites the community to dinner and entertainment. I wonder how she would feel about his infamous pappy!! lol
    I am sitting at the table with my parents right, snorting and laughing about our Quartzsite experiences. Nathan showed them your picture and did my mom roar that someone else has been “exposed” to his exposition!!

  2. Quentin

    Well Down Town Q is one of my names.. Now i am not going to brag but I might be able to give that guy a run for his money in the belly area… just saying,,, mine is bigger.



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