Day 136 – On Our Way To The Funny Farm

Day 136 – Saturday, November 9, 2013

Our goal today was to drive from Quartzite, through Phoenix, to Queens Creek. We were scheduled to camp at Schnepf Farms so we could meet up with some friends that are arriving tomorrow. Stay tuned to find out who. Julie notes `We`re excited! Spoiler alert – It isn`t Norm.”

Before we left Quartzite though, we had been advised to try Sweet Darlene’s Restaurant and Bakery. It is ranked #9 of 19 restaurants in Quartzite so we did not have high hopes but actually the breakfast was really good. It is located in a steel Quonset type building and in a completely fenced compound. Julie notes “Yes the breakfast was great, the interior decorated nicely with memorabilia, everything was clean and the waitress very strict but efficient (she would work well as the no nonsense principal of the `Old Schoolhouse Restaurant` in Cottonwood, if she ever gives up her day job here.) She has been working as a waitress for 57 years and knows her stuff. We left happy with a full tummy but still wondering who `Sweet Darlene` might be.”

It was then onto I-10 for the 2 hour drive into Phoenix and then on to Queens Creek, AZ.

Julie had some mail to send and the Quartzite Post Office is pretty handy. Julie notes `Yes some of you will be receiving some cards mailed from HQ. Not Head Quarters this time or Husband Quentin but Hot Quartzite.”

Then to Sweet Darlene’s for some breaky.

Julie notes “Our waitress is directly to my right isn`t she? I am going to sit up straight and behave myself then as I wait for my breakfast. Shush! No whispering or passing notes!”

The I-10 drive eastbound towards Phoenix through the desert. Julie notes “Beautiful drive as the mountains change colour and shapes as the light and haze and our position shift. Lots of crazy cacti but no windmills. Sorry.”

Driving the I-10 through Phoenix. Julie notes “Are those our friends in that plane up ahead? No, one more sleep!”

After having an afternoon snooze with the air conditioner running because it was in the mid 30C’s, we headed out for some dinner at Uncle Bear’s Grill & Bar. The other reason to run the A/C was to drown out the noise from the remote controlled helicopter flying competition in a field on one side and a tractor show in the field on the other side. J Julie notes “We couldn`t have planned this if we tried. And to those enthusiasts out there, model airplane and helicopter flying is not really a spectator sport. Do not record it to take it home to show your significant other or wow your friends. Unless like the other day, your plane goes crazy and takes a nose dive into a cactus. Now that was funny and a recordable moment. But unfortunately only the operator, the cactus and I saw that.”

I enjoyed a Guiness and Julie had the Horn Dog Margarita – one of the house specialties – mostly dog related. The food was good and the atmosphere is good but the service was pretty poor. Julie notes “You get a big dog dish of peanuts on your table for starters and the walls are covered with pet dog pictures and dog pound fencing around the booth tops. Cute place, good food, just needs some tips on service. Hence their tips would improve. Throw a dog a bone so to speak. Not necessarily obedience training but maybe a visit from the Dog Whisperer. Luckily we didn`t lay down with dogs and get up with fleas, we think. But we were nice and didn`t bite the hand that fed us. Dog gone it, I think I am at the end of this leash and I better stop before I end up in the dog house.”

Julie sharing her margarita with Man’s Best Friend. Julie notes “You can lead a dog to water but you can`t get him to drink a Horn Dog margarita.”

We ordered some Hot and Honey wings to share and we each got a salad.

It was then back to Schnepf Farms campground for the night. Julie notes “Okay say that 5 times fast. I am thinking our friends the Scheopps were perhaps originally the Schnepfs but changed their name to make it easier to pronounce. Can you back me up on this Nathan? And then maybe suggest it to your southern relatives.”

…over and out, the muleskinner and his sidekick

Julie notes “Oh I hope I can sleep! Big day tomorrow! Guess who arrives! Hope they remember we are not nearly as entertaining in person as we pretend to be in blog land. Now off to dreamland.”

1 thought on “Day 136 – On Our Way To The Funny Farm

  1. Quentin

    Well you used all the doggone jokes. Didnt even leave me a biscuit. My hackles are up and my nose is wet but that could just be the sight of those hot wings… gets me bird doggin just looking at them…

    Well Husband Quentin did get to read quite a few post cards.. with the kids of course. They love them. They are on our wall.

    Is it Santa that is coming?



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