Day 150 – Moscow Games

Day 150 – Saturday, November 23, 2013

I started the day out with a trip to the Wilton Cheese Factory to stock up on some delicious products; fresh cheese curds, extra old cheddar, gouda, blue cheese, and some sweet baby dills. Julie was busy cleaning various parts of the house. Julie notes “Many spiders were injured in the making of this blog. To the ones that escaped my duster and vacuum, there is always tomorrow. I don’t like WTF (Webs Touching Face).” More family were scheduled to arrive this afternoon. Susan, Ron, Julie, and I had a great lunch of cheese and crackers, grapes and condiments. MMMM Good. Julie notes “Yum! Squeaky cheese! WTF! (Wow That’s Fresh!)” Ron made a big pot of chili for supper. We all enjoyed the chili and hot dogs with some fresh buns, garlic bread, and salad.

The Wilton Cheese Factory goodies.

Julie’s sister Krista, and her husband Jim along with their children Adam and Harrison arrived as planned. Julie’s brother Quentin and his wife Kelly and children Isaac and Peyton arrived later in the afternoon. Julie notes “WTF!!! Welcome Terrific Family).”

Here are some random family shots of the day.

Visiting in the kitchen.

Around the table just like in Julie’s poem.

Cousins watching a movie and playing games; Harrison, Isaac, and Peyton. Julie notes “WTF movie (Way Too Funny)”

Julie photo bombs a Quentin & Kelly Holmes’ family moment. Julie notes “I don’t remember doing this. Maybe I was trying to stop Peyton from some play dough faux pas. Or catch flies? Now that the spider population has been reduced.”

Peyton doing some crafts in the footsteps of her Grandma Vera.

…over and out from Moscow, the muleskinner and his sidekick

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