Day 125 – Blown Away!

Day 125 – Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Another day at Chaco Culture NHP. We planned a few more site visits to various ruins and a hike to the Pueblo Bonito overlook high up on the mesa above the valley floor.

Our first stop was a site called Hungo Pavi. We followed the trail around the ruins in awe of what the Chacoans had built here and amazed at what was still standing after 1000 years in the desert.

We then headed down the road to the trailhead for the Pueblo Bonito overlook and the Pueblo Alto Complex trail. The hike had an elevation gain of about 270′ and was about 5.2 kilometres. The elevation gain all happened in the first 200 metres. You were then on the cliffs and mesa above the valley floor. But first, there were the Kin Kletso ruins to tour after hiking a short distance from the trailhead.

After a rewarding and exhilarating hike in some pretty strong winds we made it back to the camper for a late lunch. After lunch there was one more site we wanted to tour. Right next to the parking area was the Pueblo del Arroyo ruins.

We were tired and wind burnt and ready to head back to the campsite to relax and have drinks and dinner. I think we earned both today.

Hungo Pavi ruins.

Kin Kletso ruins.

The hike to Pueblo Bonito overlook and Pueblo Alto complex.

The trail requires some scrambling over large boulders and then follows a narrow fracture through the cliff. Julie notes “Yes I know what you’re thinking ‘Julie? scrambling over boulders? With two left footed hiking boots? Bad idea!’ But I made it, not without a few ‘OMGs!’ though.”

Julie notes “Yes this is the trail. You can imagine my face when I realized that.”

Julie making her way up the trail. Julie notes “But I managed to squeeze through.”

Pueblo Bonito from the overlook.

Happy tourists. Julie notes “Jazz hands for Robbie.”

New Alto in the Pueblo Alto Complex on top of the mesa.

Another shot of the happy but windblown tourists. Julie notes “No wonder I was so thirsty. Note to self – close my mouth in a dust storm.”

Julie hiking along the edge of the cliff. Julie notes “Luckily the wind was blowing me into the cliff and also my gazelle like surefootedness helped as well. These Chacoan people also never wore progressive lenses obviously.”

The one-legged muleskinner. Julie notes “Okay back up, just a little further, one more step, keep going…”

A view of the valley from the cliffs.

Now we just have to make it back down to the valley floor – the right way! Julie notes “I told Brad I could always parachute down using my underwear. But he was out of luck because his have too many holes. Looks like he’s ready to catch me if I jump.”

Julie notes “Brad told me to just close my eyes and feel my way down. Hmmmm.”

And finally, to end a big day, we visited the Pueblo del Arroyo ruins. Julie notes “Crazy cool place. One of the park restoration fellows who was working inside the building showed us a few interesting things. He has worked here for 22 years and grew up in a nearby pueblo. Very proud of his heritage. And he reminded me of Brad’s dad Albert.”

…over and out, the muleskinner and his sidekick

Julie notes “Speaking of dads, Jim Bob, o.g., our newly named thermometer man, told us that the temp got down to 3 C outside and 7 C inside last night. We decided on the name Jim Bob, one of Dad’s many nicknames, as Dad was always the first on the email in the morning with the weather report from Moscow. Often followed by a potato report. He always signed his emails ‘og’ for ‘old geezer’ but in the case of Jim Bob the weather man, the ‘og’ can stand for ‘often guessing’ ‘Oh goodness’ ‘outside’s groovy’ and so on.

Thank you to everyone who made suggestions. As you know we love comments, suggestions, chuckles and even gasps!

Aunt Lynne was very close with her submissions of Jim Boy (on nice days) and Herbie (on cold days) based on their preferred climates. So she will get the prize, which is our wish for her to have great weather for all of her ventures. And we will likely use most of your ideas and more as we get acquainted with our new electronic soothsayer.

Other suggestions: Hope I didn’t miss anyone. Let me know if I did.

Quentin suggests:

  • Mr. Tempers – (could this be reference to windmill man?)
  • Billy Bob Thermorton (very pop culturish especially with the whole Brad and Angelina thing)

Alison suggests:

  • Something Spanish after our southern travels like Jorge, Carlos or even Jesus (Hoppin Jesus it’s caliente out there!)

Suze suggests:

  • The Hippy Dippy Weatherman (who does not love him and what ever happened to him?)

Aunt Doreen suggests:

  • Your Fairweather Friend (optimistic just like my Aunt! Believe it and it shall be so.)

Karen S. suggests:

  • Thermy Hermy (love the rhyming and he is really quite Hermy looking.)
  • Hermy the Thermy (love the reverse rhyming, just like reverse psychology.)

Vickie suggests:

  • El morrow (as Annie always says, the sun will come out El Morrow, bet your bottom dollar…)

Jordan suggests:

  • Kelvin or Kelvin Pascal – initials K Pa. (classic! Appeals to the scientist in all of us.)

I suggested:

  • Mr. Weatherbee (Archie & Jughead agree, if you saw him with his pants pulled up over his shorts.)
  • WTF man? (What’s The Forecast man?)

Let me just tell you that it is VERY windy and dark out there right now, the camper is rocking, chairs are blowing away and Jim Bob o.g. (Overly Gusty) is still smiling and waving with a sun/cloud over his head and sun glasses on. And we love him for that. I wonder if the potatoes are in for the winter.”


2 thoughts on “Day 125 – Blown Away!

  1. Lynne Holmes

    Love all the names…had a few giggles
    Very appropriate name for sure and I am honored to be given the prize. I am now quaranteed to have good weather for all my adventures with Jim Boy OG, Bella V(era) and Herbie watching over me. OX

  2. Quentin

    Great ruins once again… OMG.. Is that Old Mountain Goat?
    You know you can’t have big buttes without big cracks… Now I would not normally recommend crawling through one..
    The one legged pic reminds me of the Cor picture I did.
    Great name Jim Bob!
    Just took out our potatoes.. One Red Moscow bucket….


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